Pack of Lies

What is Pack of Lies?

Plastic is everyone’s problem. And the beauty industry is a major player in contributing to it.

Pack of Lies has been launched by Maiiro as a way to affect change within the skincare industry. Pack of Lies is a platform from which to create more transparency about the products and packaging that the skincare industry produces, with a particular focus on reducing the use of plastic in packaging.

We recognise that nobody is perfect. Even the lining of Maiiro's lip balm contains a tiny bit of recyclable plastic. But we want to be transparent from the very beginning of our journey and encourage other brands in the skincare

space to do the same. We want to make it easier for people to be aware of their impact on the environment and be able to make more informed decisions about what they spend their money on.

But how can we be, if companies aren't being clear as to what is in their products and packaging?

It's a two way street and brands need to be driving change, just as much as us.

So that's what Pack of Lies is here for: to create awareness and drive change.

What is Greenwashing?

‘Greenwashing’ is conveying a false impression that a company or its products are more environmentally sound than they really are.

“…it’s a way of distracting consumers from the manufacturers and corporates that are actually responsible for the amount of plastic in the supply chain.”

Malcolm Poynton, CampaignLive

How ‘plastic’ is the beauty industry?

The beauty sector generated over 142 billion units of packaging last year – most of which ended up in landfill or the ocean.

However, some brands in the skincare space promote the fact that they are doing their part to help tackle this issue.

How are other brands helping?

Some brands have initiatives that support the conservation of the sea and keeping beaches free of plastic.

Some brands partner with charities to help fight plastic pollution.

Some brands offer in-store refills for their products.

Some brands have launched marketing campaigns that highlight the importance of recycling.

Laying it on thick

But are these brands really helping? If you dig a bit deeper, it becomes clear that despite these great initiatives, things aren’t changing from within the companies themselves.

Some brands have initiatives that support the conservation of the sea and keeping beaches free of plastic.

These brands use plastics in most of their packaging.

Some brands partner with charities to help fight plastic pollution.

Most of their packaging is non-recyclable.

Some brands offer in-store refills for their products.

By offering refillable packaging they are merely putting the onus back on customers to recycle their products for them.

Some brands have launched marketing campaigns that highlight the importance of recycling.

Even if they say 100% of their packaging is recyclable, there will be parts of it that are not.

This is greenwashing.

With that being said, there are brands going above and beyond, making real changes with their products and packaging. But from our research, we discovered a lot of brands are reluctant

to disclose exactly what goes into their packaging, or be completely transparent about how they aim to reduce the amount of plastic in their products outside of recycling.

Is your favourite skincare brand greenwashing?

We have created an easy acronym to help you decide if your go to skincare brand is guilty of greenwashing.



Do they clearly label on their website what plastics are recyclable in their products and packaging?



Do they have initiatives to raise awareness of plastic consumption but continue selling plastics in their products and packaging?



Do they expect you to recycle their products without reducing plastics in their products and packaging?



Do they show schedules of their plastic reduction but don’t show what has been reduced from their products and packaging?

#PackOfLies has set up a petition to reduce #Greenwashing by demanding brands clearly list on their website how much plastic they use and how much they have currently reduced from their products and packaging.

If we can help clean up our industry, we can inspire others to do the same.

Pack of Lies
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